Last week room three went to the Suter Gallery.
We had to go with a buddy.
When we got there it was amazing it was pretty big.
There was this woman who introduced her self but I can't remember her name.
First we sat on the mat we went with Jonathan not Sue also with some parents.
My dad came.
So we sat on the mat and the woman talked to us about the exhibition that was on.
The exhibition was all about animals so we talked in our groups and decided what was good about birds.
We had to remember one of them and put it on these birds we were going to make.
It was cool because we made them in the stage room.
After we made them we couldn't take them home straight away because they had to be cooked.
When we were on our way back we went through the Queens Gardens and saw all of these coins in the water.
I can't wait until I go again!