Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Elves and the Shoemaker - Aiden

Once upon a time there were two poor people. They could not afford food but they had enough leather to make one pair of shoes. When the shoemaker woke up there was one pair of shoes. A rich woman bought the shoes and paid the shoemaker $100. Then he had enough money to put one meal on the table and to buy more leather. He cut out more shoes and the same thing happened again and again. But one night he stayed up late because he wanted to see who was doing the good work. On Christmas Day the shoemaker and his wife made little clothes and shoes for the little elves. That night the elves came skipping in. When they got to the work bench instead of leather there were presents. They laughed and started opening the presents. They ripped off their old clothes and put on their new ones and zoomed out the door. The little elves were never seen again.

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